Posts tagged with Syncomatic

Syncomatic 5.1

I’ve just released an update for a minor but annoying bug. Also, in response to a new user’s question, I prepared this quick video (watch in YouTube) showing how to use Syncomatic’s options for syncing items in stacks.

Syncomatic 5

Yesterday I released version 5 of Syncomatic which has some big changes: It’s now a single menu item and dialog box including all ways of matching files It can now copy from Masters to VCs and vice versa, with an option to target only the selected VCs/stack members or to extend the sync to all …read more

Syncomatic 4.0

Syncomatic 4.0 includes performance improvements and extra options

Syncomatic 3.3 (ie 4.0)

Not much has changed in 3.3 – except for performance….

Syncomatic version 3

I’ve just released version 3 of my Syncomatic plugin which syncs metadata between files with matching names or within stacks.

Cropping with Syncomatic

Syncomatic is my plugin that syncs metadata and adjustments between files with similar names or within stacks. But one thing has annoyed me ever since I wrote it 6-7 years ago – it couldn’t sync the crop. I always wanted to do it – why wouldn’t I? – but for reasons best known to themselves …read more

Syncomatic and LrMobile

I’ve updated Syncomatic to facilitate an interesting new workflow involving LrMobile. Shoot Raw+JPEG in the field, import the JPEGs and adjust them in LrMobile, and then sync that work to the raw files with Syncomatic.

Syncomatic 1.44

I’ve just released version 1.44 of my Syncomatic plug-in which synchronizes the metadata of files with matching names. The change is a “Merge Keywords” checkbox which replaces one called “total keyword sync” which sneaked into 1.43 but didn’t do anything except provoke a few puzzled emails. “Merge Keywords” works, and I hope it’s a more intuitive …read more

Syncomatic 1.23 now syncs into stacks

Version 1.23 of my Lightroom plug-in Syncomatic is now available via Photographers Toolbox. The new feature is that now, as well as handling files with matching names, it can now synchronise metadata and adjustments within stacks When you add metadata like the title or keywords to a stack, Lightroom only updates the picture on the …read more

Syncomatic plug-in – now syncs adjustments too

I’ve just released a new version of my Syncomatic plug-in. Syncomatic’s original purpose was to tidy up metadata when you are faced with sets of pictures whose names match but whose metadata is out of sync. For instance you may have lots of TIFs or JPEGs which have been output from your raw files, but …read more