Posts tagged with DNG
Oh no you don’t – DNG and panto season
It’s amazing how often some Lightroom users still assert that a disadvantage of the DNG file format is that any time the metadata changes in the DNG file, you have to backup the whole DNG file again (and again). This isn’t a disadvantage of DNG – it’s a failure to re-assess and think through your …read more
Lossy DNG – too early?
While I’m a long-time fan of DNG and welcome its latest developments, you’ve got to be very cautious about saving pictures with the new lossy option. The workflow benefits aren’t enough to outweigh the very significant risks.
You either get it or you don’t
Barry Pearson writes about Seven years of writing about Digital Negative Format and other tales of the life and advantages of the DNG format: When Adobe launched DNG on 27 September 2004, it was obvious to me that this was addressing a significant need. I knew from my career in helping to develop complicated multi-vendor computing systems that …read more
Doesn’t DNG mean my backups will be huge?
If you save metadata back to a DNG, doesn’t it mean that every time a change is made the whole large file needs to be backed up? Not really. It obviously makes no sense to keep backing up big DNG files after every change, but that’s a straw man argument against the format. Instead you …read more