Another gallery – Swiss re-enactors
Added another SSP for Lightroom-generated gallery of photos of Swiss Medieval re-enactors. Some of the shots were outdoors but those which worked best were taken in Chillon castle's great hall at lunchtime. The wonderful directional light, low December sun bouncing in off the lake, had immediately had me thinking of the Dutch painters of the 17th century, but I was also very aware of how scenes of ordinary people in their daily lives - not typical subject material for 15th century painters.
Now I've just got to figure out how 21st century drop down menus can co-exist with 20th century Flash. The problem affects you if your existing site uses DHTML menus, such as Dreamweaver CS3's Spry menus used here. The menus appear to display behind the SSP movie in Windows browsers, and apparently it's all because of a well-known problem of Flash and DHTML. I've logged the issue with SSP's developer and think I may have found a bug. The real solution may include going back to work on my Flash site, of course.
As it may be the last post before I vanish to the Lake District for a few days, I'll add a Happy Christmas to anyone reading this blog.